Policy Statement
We teach the children about health and hygiene in order to equip them with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to live positive, successful and healthy life.
We teach children respect for their bodies, and how to look after themselves.
Parents will have the opportunity to discuss health issues with preschool staff and will have access to information available to the preschool.
The preschool will maintain links with health visitors and gather health information and advice from the local authority information services of other health agencies.
To prevent the spread of infections, staff will ensure that the following practices are observed:
- Hands are washed after using the toilet.
- Boxes of tissues are available and the children are encouraged to blow and wipe their noses when necessary. Then ensuring soiled tissues are disposed of hygienically.
- Children are encouraged to cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Children with pierced ears are not allowed to share earrings.
- Individual paper towels are used for drying hands and must be disposed of appropriately.
- Hygiene rules related to bodily fluids are followed with particular care and all staff and volunteers are aware of how infections, including HIV infection, can be transmitted.
- Any spills vomit or excrement, must be disposed of hygienically.
- Any clothing with blood on goes in the yellow bags and this is then sealed and taken to the local GP surgery for incineration.
- Spare, clean clothing are available in the case of accidents and bags available in which to wrap soiled garments.
- When clearing up spills of bodily fluids and when changing children clothing rubber gloves must be worn at all times.
- The floor and other surfaces will be disinfected appropriately.
- The school employs an independent cleaners that cleans the preschool at the end of the day.
We will adhere to all current legislation regarding food hygiene, registration and training. In particular each adult will:
- Always wash hands before handling food and after using the toilet.
- Not to be involved with any food preparation if suffering from any infectious/contagious illness or skin trouble.
- Do not cough or sneeze over food.
- Use different cloths/brushes for cleaning different items (i.e. tables, washing up, paint pots).
- Prepare raw and cooked foods in separate areas.
- Keep food in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
Occasionally we may invite people into the Pre-school to show animals to the children. We will keep the children safe by
- Ensuring that the person bringing the animal in is in full control of it at all times (this may be by keeping the animal in a cage/secure container or ensuring the animal remains on a leash).
- Discuss respect, safety and hygiene with the children before the animal is bought into a session.
- Ensure the children wash their hands both before and after touching the animal.